The Story

Paul is in trouble. He needs to find a way out, and he goes to his friends for help. Once they finish arguing about Genesis 22, they give him conficting advice. Who will Paul listen to? Understanding the passage will give him the key to getting out of a sticky situation. Complete the online questions so you learn also.

Other Resources

  • Panel Discussion (MP3): Listen to a discussion about the episode and the relevant Bible passage (Genesis 22) with Rev Dr John Woodhouse (Old Testament scholar and past principal of Moore Theological College) and Dr Joe Radkovic (past missionary who spent 11 years in Kenya doing medical aid and teaching the Bible to local leaders).
  • Drama Audio (MP3): Audio of the drama itself, without the web sequence of questions.
  • Interactive Audio Lesson with Drama (MP3): Audio of the drama with spoken questions that helps a small group discuss the drama and the passage.

How it works

Each episode would consist of three acts or segments:

  1. a dramatic situation that puts the main character in trouble,
  2. a discussion with two friends modeling different approaches to the Bible about a Bible passage and the situation (which parallels the passage), and
  3. a resolution to the situation which helps the protagonist learn about the Bible.

As the protagonist continues to learn how the whole Bible fits together with Jesus at its heart, the audience transitions with him through the strong emotional bond they develop.

More about the project